Re: Windows 95 Espionage ( ?? )

Matthew SAMS (
Tue, 6 Jun 1995 15:17:08 -0400

RE: win95 dirscan >> com1:

A certain online service was the last folk to be accused of this.  What was
wrong with that, was they were opening a scratch file to write data into, and
didn't over write the old data first, so it appeared they were 'stealing your
harddrive' one sector at a time.

So, win95 may be up to no good, they may be doing something careless ala the
above, some simple software license checking, or the blackest deed in the
universe as alluded here.  Or a competitor could be starting a rumor.

OTOH, if you want nasty, consider a trojan  horse in software which if it
detected a winsock running, would transit UPD packets over net to momma server
who would collect data.  I don't see this as being particularly easy to detect
unless a site has a full firewall up, and then only maybe.

W4W has TCP/IP?  Hmmmmm. <g>.